Χατζή 28, 11141, Αθήνα

Hatzi 28, 11141, Athens, Greece


+30 6937018871


Kids Bedroom Design

Service price:


Project time to complete:
30 business days

If you have ever decided to design a kid’s bedroom then one of the following might sound familiar. You are expecting, you are absolutely thrilled and want the prettiest nursery possible! You have looked for inspiration, found countless photographs and have received advice from family and friends about what you need or how you will have it done. The truth is though, that all this information is confusing and you don’t know how to start.

Your kids are all grown up and the time for a bedroom renovation has come. When you were making the nursery you spent a lot of money on furniture you never used or used for a very short period of time. Now you get yourself a headache just by thinking you have to start all over again.

Your teenager told you the other day that changes must be done! You are worried that you will not be able to work with your teenager and you are certainly not an expert designer.

Designing a kid’s bedroom is not an easy task. Friend advice and online inspiration are not enough to help you. You can have everything you admire in posts, but is always good taste enough when you have to consider functionality as well in a demanding space in order for the kids to experience their room?

This service is the answer to all your doubts. Working with me means you will know what you are building, how you are building it,how much it will cost and where to buy everything you need. All of these can be done at your own pace once you have the plans at your hands.

How it works

Phase 1: study of your room and needs

Once we begin working together it is important for you to spend some time answering with honesty and detail the questionnaire I will send you. It is a necessary step for me to understand what you need, what you like and how much is your budget. If you already have plans of the room you can send them to me. Otherwise, you will measure the room according to the instructions included in the guide you will receive. In case you think you cannot do the sketch, there is another way for you. You send me the photos of the room, I do the sketch for you and you add all the dimensions I ask for. Along with the plans I will need photos of the room and all the material you have gathered as inspiration.

How it works

Phase 2

After I have received the material needed I will prepare for you all the possible options for your project. I always take into consideration natural lighting and ventilation and of course circulation so that every day life is not complicated. You will get a mood board with the decoration style along with the recommended colour combinations and a floor plan with a possible furniture arrangement. The presentation will be easy to read and understand.

How it works

Phase 3

Detailed plans are now necessary for a complete and detailed design that helps avoid unnecessary mistakes and they will later help you arrange all of the furniture.

How it works

Phase 4

This is the last phase of your project. You will receive 3d renders, detailed plans, instructions for realizing the project and a shopping list with everything that has been used for you to purchase.

The service includes

  • Technical plans with dimensions
  • 3d render of the room
  • Shopping list

My guarantee

The service includes a 30 minute video call that you can use at any phase of our collaboration in order to have your questions answered.
Moreover, after providing you with the final plans I will be offering you my support if needed, via email, for 60 days.