Χατζή 28, 11141, Αθήνα

Hatzi 28, 11141, Athens, Greece


+30 6937018871


Create a fantastic
kid’s bedroom

I want to help you with your kid’s bedroom design so that it is comfortable, functional and impressive.

A design that not only satisfies the kid’s wishes but yours as well. Furthermore, with my help, before you even start looking for furniture or even start the work needed you will know exactly how the room will look, how you will do it and how much it will cost.

Are you expecting and you want to have the nursery ready but you don’t know where to start? Does everyone have their opinion and bombards you with ideas and lists with what they think is necessary? Are you confused and don’t know where to start? Or maybe you are wondering where you can find all those beautiful furniture you saw on that instagram account you are following? I am sure you wish you could have the kid’s bedroom looking like that!

And when the family grows with a new member everything starts all over again… how can I change the bedroom? And what if they are of different gender? How can I design their bedroom so they are both happy?

Time flies and by the moment you realize you are happy with arrangements you‘ve made, it is time to buy a bigger bed because the kids are all grown up. It is also time to go to school…meaning you need a desk for studying and maybe a bookcase?! You also have to consider changing the decoration because they are not babies any more.

And there comes puberty! Time for new changes….

You find yourself spending endless hours surfing online to find inspiration or solutions and you end up with innumerous photos of great kid’s bedrooms and you feel overwhelmed with all the choices you have to make. Because you don’t know where to start off or where you could find all those beautiful things you’ve seen and how you can incorporate them in your design.

I am sure that these thoughts sound familiar….

I am a mother too and some of the above questions were my questions too and I can totally relate. My professional formation in interior design and my experience as a mother of two is the key to your design problems. You need someone who knows exactly what the challenges you face are and how to solve them for you.

About Us 1

Eleni Karantaki

Behind fantasticoom you can find me, Eleni. I live in Athens, Greece with my husband and two daughters. I have studied Interior Design in Athens and in Barcelona.
I was thrilled when I started designing the nursery for my first daughter.

There are so many practical and aesthetic issues to consider that can make your creativity thrive.
Upon the birth of my second daughter I realized that the evolution if a kid’s bedroom is constant and inevitable. It absolutely has to follow the kid’s evolution.
This is how I came up with fantasticoom, a way of using my formation as an interior designer and my experience as a mom to help other mothers create fantastic bedrooms for their kids without spending their precious time and money seeking for solutions.

I am sure you will find my services very helpful!

Do you want to know how I can help you?